54 Famous European Dishes & Foods

European dishes encompass various culinary traditions characterized by the prominent use of meat and dairy, structured meal courses, and regional specialties.

Lastest Updated April 19, 2024
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Basic Information

European Food: Basic Overview

Common Ingredients

Ingredients vary widely but often include olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, butter, apples, potatoes, meat, dairy, and bread

Common Cooking Methods

Baking, boiling, grilling, roasting, stewing, sautéing, simmering, slow cooking, fermenting, curing, smoking


Appetizer, main course, cheese course in some regions, and dessert


Europeans generally have three main meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with variations in meal composition and timing across regions.

Key Taste

Savory, sweet, sour, spicy, complex

Eating Etiquette

Varies by country. Generally, it involves the use of utensils for most dishes, with specific customs around the use of bread, the sequence of courses, and the pacing of meals.

Meal Presentation

Emphasis on presentation varies, with a general trend towards simplicity and highlighting the quality of ingredients. Festive and formal meals may involve a more elaborate presentation.

Culinary Festivals

Christmas, Easter, Lent, and other festivals vary by country

Influence and Fusion

European cuisine has been influenced by and has influenced cuisines around the world, leading to a rich exchange of ingredients and techniques. Fusion dishes often incorporate European techniques with flavors from other cuisines.
Origin and Region

European Food: Origin and Region



Continent’s Region

Northern, Southern, Eastern, Central, and Western Europe.
Europe Map
Ingredients and Preparation

Popular Types of European Food

  • Casseroles and bakes

    European casseroles and bakes are hearty, oven-cooked meals that often combine proteins, vegetables, and starches, enveloped in rich sauces or topped with cheese.

    The slow baking process allows for deep flavor development, making them perfect for family dinners or gatherings.

  • Stews

    Stews in European cuisine are slow-cooked dishes that feature meat, vegetables, and sometimes legumes, simmered in a liquid base to achieve a thick, hearty consistency.

    Stews often incorporate a variety of herbs and spices. They are typically served as warming, comforting meals during colder months.

  • Desserts

    European desserts encompass a wide range of sweet treats, from simple fruit dishes to elaborate pastries and cakes.

    These desserts often showcase dairy products like cream and cheese, as well as chocolate, fruits, and nuts.

  • Dumplings

    Dumplings in European cuisine vary widely, from filled pockets to doughy balls, made with ingredients ranging from potatoes to flour-based doughs.

    They can be served as part of a savory stew, in soup, or as a standalone dish with a variety of accompaniments.

    European dumplings may be boiled, steamed, or fried, and are often seasoned or filled with meats, vegetables, or cheese.

  • Bread and doughs

    Bread and doughs are fundamental to European cuisine, showcasing an extensive variety of styles, from crusty baguettes and hearty rye bread to soft brioche and flaky pastries.

    These items serve as staple foods in European diets, complementing meals or being enjoyed on their own.

  • Fried dishes

    Fried dishes in European cuisine are diverse, including everything from lightly battered vegetables and seafood to deeply fried meats and cheese.

    These dishes are appreciated for their crispy textures and rich flavors, often served as appetizers, side dishes, or street food.

    European fried dishes can range from simple, using minimal seasoning, to complex, incorporating a blend of herbs and spices for added depth of flavor.

  • Cakes and pastries

    European cakes and pastries are renowned for their sophistication and variety, from airy sponge cakes and rich tortes to delicate pastries filled with cream or fruit.

    Cakes and pastries are central to European dessert traditions, enjoyed at celebrations, as afternoon snacks, or as part of daily life.

European dishes are delicacies commonly savored across the diverse countries of Europe, each bringing its own unique flavors and traditions to the table.

Meat plays a central role in many European dishes, often served in generous portions, and dairy products like cheese and fermented milk items are staples in cooking. The continent is also known for its wide variety of breads, made from grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats.

Pasta, dumplings, and pastries are popular across the continent, while the potato has become a fundamental starch in the European diet since its introduction from the Americas.

European dining traditionally follows a course-based format, transitioning from the French “service à la française” to the “service à la russe,” where food is served in sequence from appetizers to desserts. This approach mirrors historical dining practices originating in royal and noble courts.

Cooking methods in Europe vary widely, from baking and boiling to frying and grilling, each adding a different dimension to the dishes. Salads, incorporating both raw and cooked vegetables, are an integral part of meals.

I dive into the heart of European culinary delights, uncovering the charm of traditional dishes, their global love affair, and the health secrets they hold. You’ll get a taste of the unique flavors of European regional cuisines, and learn about the best food destinations in Europe.

You can also uncover what sets European street food apart, including the top spots to savor it, how these dishes shine during special events, and the dos and don’ts of European dining manners.

Plus, I’ll shed light on how European fare stacks up against dishes from the Americas and Asian culinary offerings, and the art of pairing food and drinks.

Traditional European food is distinguished by its diversity across the continent, reflecting the varied climates, cultures, and historical influences of its countries. However, there are several common characteristics that can be highlighted:

  • Agricultural Products: Europe’s cuisine utilizes a wide array of locally sourced ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats.
  • Breads, Wines, and Beers: Each region has its own unique types of bread, as well as wines and beers, with specific characteristics and production methods honed over centuries.
  • Starch: Wheat flour is a major source of starch in European cuisines, used extensively in breads, pastas, dumplings, and pastries. This differs from other regions where rice or corn may be more prevalent​​.
  • Meat and Dairy: European diets traditionally feature a significant amount of meat, including beef, pork, lamb, and game, as well as dairy products like cheese and butter.
  • Culinary Diversity: Despite common elements, the food culture varies greatly from one European region to another.
    For instance, Mediterranean cuisine is known for its use of olive oil, fresh vegetables, fruits, and seafood; Central European cuisine is famous for dishes like Wiener schnitzel and goulash; while Eastern European food often includes hearty stews, dumplings, and a variety of breads​​​​​​.
  • Seasonality and Regional Specialties: Many European cuisines emphasize seasonal and locally sourced ingredients. For example, Nordic countries utilize fish and wild meats more due to their geographic location, while Mediterranean diets are rich in olive oil, legumes, and fresh produce due to their warmer climate​​.
  • Historical Influences: The history of Europe has significantly influenced its cuisines. The Columbian Exchange introduced new ingredients like potatoes, tomatoes, and chocolate to Europe, which have since become staples in many European dishes.
    Moreover, the modern concept of restaurants originated in Paris in the late 18th century, further shaping the dining culture​​.
  • Cultural Significance: Food in Europe is not just about sustenance but also holds cultural significance, reflecting the traditions, history, and identity of its people.

Exploring traditional European food reveals a rich tapestry of flavors and techniques, setting the stage for its widespread acclaim across the globe.

The global popularity of European food can be attributed to its rich history, diverse cultural influences, and the significant impact of colonization, migration, and globalization.

  • Colonization and the Columbian Exchange: European settlers introduced their agricultural practices and food habits to new territories during colonization. This led to the widespread adoption of European staples such as wheat and livestock.
    The Columbian Exchange further facilitated this spread by introducing European crops and animals to the Americas, transforming both the agricultural landscape and dietary habits globally.
  • Trade Routes and Culinary Exchange: The establishment of trade routes between Europe and Asia, including the spice trade, played a crucial role in enriching European cuisines with spices and other ingredients from Asia and the New World.
  • Globalization and Modern Influence: In the modern era, globalization has accelerated the spread of European cuisine worldwide, with European restaurants and food products found globally. Dishes like Italian pizza, French pastries, and Spanish tapas have become international favorites.
  • Impact on Local Cuisines: European dishes have profoundly influenced local cuisines in North America, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, where colonial history has left a lasting impact. This influence is evident in the fusion of indigenous and European culinary practices.
  • Introduction of New Crops and Livestock: The introduction of European crops and livestock by settlers transformed local ecosystems and diets in colonized lands.
    The cultivation of sugar, coffee, cacao, and tobacco, often reliant on slave labor, not only became valuable in Europe but also played a critical role in spreading European tastes abroad.
  • Influence on Specific Regions: In regions like Guyana, the European influence on cuisine and culture is profound, with contributions from Dutch, British, French, Portuguese, and Spanish settlers introducing a variety of crops, culinary elements, and cooking techniques.
    Similarly, European settlers in Australia introduced livestock and crops that significantly impacted the agricultural landscape and cuisine.
  • Culinary Fusion and Diversity: European cuisine’s global popularity is also reflected in its fusion with local traditions, as seen in Guyanese cuisine, which blends African, Creole, East Indian, and European influences, showcasing a rich culinary diversity that includes dishes from various cultures.

Next, let’s pique your curiosity about the nutritional aspects that contribute to its healthfulness.

European food can be considered healthy for 7 main reasons, influenced by various factors such as dietary patterns, cultural practices, and public health policies.

  • Diverse and Balanced Diet: European diets often emphasize a balance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, mirroring guidelines that promote a varied and balanced intake of nutrients.
  • Portion Control: Traditional European eating habits may include more sensible portion sizes compared to other regions, which helps in maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding overconsumption.
  • Mediterranean Diet Influence: In Southern Europe, particularly, the Mediterranean diet—which is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil, and low in red meat—is prevalent. This diet is associated with numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Fresh, Seasonal Ingredients: There’s a strong emphasis on using fresh, locally sourced, and seasonal ingredients in European cuisine, which can lead to a higher intake of important nutrients and less reliance on processed foods.
  • Cultural Norms and Practices: European meal patterns often involve sitting down for leisurely, multi-course meals, which can contribute to more mindful eating and the consumption of food in moderation.
  • Regulatory Factors: The European Union has strict regulations on food production, including the use of pesticides and GMOs, which might contribute to a healthier food supply overall.
  • Social and Behavioral Factors: European food culture often involves meals as social occasions, which can lead to more structured eating patterns and potentially healthier food choices in a social context.

Moving on, let’s delve into 54 popular European dishes with filters that allow enthusiasts to tailor their gastronomic journey to preferences, ensuring a personalized and enriching experience.

54 Popular European Dishes with Filters

Explore a world of flavors with our curated list of the top 54 European dishes, listed by popularity. Discover your next culinary adventure by filtering through ingredients, flavors, cooking methods, dish types, and meal times.

From traditional recipes and national favorites to innovative fusions, street foods, and exotic delicacies, there’s something to delight every palate.

  • These are the dishes that you’ll find everywhere, from fancy restaurants to casual diners in Europe.
  • They’ve not only won the hearts of locals but also of people around the world. Whether it’s pizza in Italy or fish and chips in the UK, these dishes define the global image of European cuisine.
  • Every European country has that one dish that stands as a culinary emblem, deeply rooted in its culture and history.
  • From Spain’s paella to France’s coq au vin, these dishes are a reflection of national identity and pride, showcasing the unique flavors and ingredients of each country.
  • Steeped in history, these are the recipes passed down through generations, embodying the culinary traditions of each region.
  • Traditional European dishes are a tapestry of the continent’s diverse cultures and climates, ranging from hearty Eastern European stews to Mediterranean seafood specialties.
  • Europe’s street food scene offers a vibrant and tasty snapshot of its culinary diversity.
  • From Belgian waffles to Greek gyros, these are the flavors that fuel the continent’s bustling streets, markets, and festivals, offering a quick, delicious insight into local food cultures at an affordable price.
  • This category highlights the adventurous side of European cuisine, featuring unusual ingredients or unique combinations that may be unfamiliar to the outsider.
  • From Nordic countries’ fermented fish to Eastern Europe’s offal dishes, these exotic specialties offer a bold taste of local culinary innovation and tradition.
  • Fusion cuisine in Europe is where tradition meets creativity, blending the old with the new.
  • These dishes might mix Italian techniques with Asian flavors or combine French culinary art with African spices, resulting in innovative, contemporary dishes that reflect Europe’s multicultural landscape.
Delicious Round Pizzas


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Pizza is a traditional Italian dish that consists of a round, flat base of leavened wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese (typically mozzarella), and often various other ingredients such as meats, vegetables, and condiments.

Traditionally baked in a wood-fired oven, pizza is celebrated for its versatility and variety, with famous variations including Neapolitan, Sicilian, and Chicago-style deep-dish pizzas.

Pizza is popular across the globe, transcending its Italian roots to become a beloved food in countries in Europe and North America, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, among others.

It is commonly associated with casual dining and social gatherings, often enjoyed at parties, sports events, and family meals.



  • National
  • Traditional

Spaghetti is a traditional Italian pasta, recognized for its long, thin, cylindrical shape. It is a staple of Italian cuisine, made from durum wheat semolina and water.

Variations like spaghettoni (thicker) and spaghettini (thinner) exist, with capellini (angel hair pasta) being one of the thinnest forms. Spaghetti dishes are popular worldwide, often served with tomato sauce, meat, or vegetables.

The pasta’s popularity in Italy surged in the 19th century with the advent of spaghetti factories, and it has since become a global staple, enjoyed in various forms across Europe, the Americas, and beyond.

Incredible Lasagna


  • Traditional

Lasagna is a traditional Italian dish, known for its layers of flat, wide pasta alternating with fillings such as ragù (a meat sauce), béchamel sauce, and cheeses like ricotta, mozzarella, and Parmesan.

Originating from the region of Emilia-Romagna, lasagna has become a staple of national and international cuisine. Variations include lasagne al forno, which features a thicker ragù and béchamel sauce, and versions with vegetables or different types of meat.

It’s popular across Europe, especially in Italy, and has spread worldwide. Lasagna is often associated with festive occasions and family gatherings in various cultures.



  • Traditional

Croissant is a type of French pastry that is buttery, flaky, and known for its crescent shape. This traditional food item is considered a staple of French cuisine and is often associated with breakfast.

Croissants are made through a meticulous process called laminating, which involves layering dough with butter and folding it multiple times to create its distinctive layers.

Originating from the Austrian kipferl, the modern croissant was developed in France with the innovation of using yeast-leavened laminated dough.

Croissants have become popular across Europe and around the world, with variations such as Pain aux raisins, Pain au chocolat, and Pain aux fraises.

They are a common part of continental breakfasts in many European countries. They have also been adapted into fast food culture, notably with the introduction of factory-made, frozen doughs in the late 20th century.

Famous Ice Cream


  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Gelato is an Italian frozen dessert that is recognized as a traditional food of Italy. It is known for its lower butterfat content compared to other styles of ice cream, typically containing 6–9% butterfat.

Gelato also has a higher density and richness due to its lower air content, around 35%, and more intense flavoring. This dessert is a staple of Italian cuisine and has spread in popularity across Europe and the rest of the world.

Gelato comes in various flavors, often inspired by fruits (like strawberry, lemon, or mango), nuts, and chocolate. Its artisanal preparation and serving method, often with a spade rather than a traditional ice cream scoop, distinguish it from other frozen desserts.

Fish And Chip

Fish and Chips

  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Fish and chips, also known as fish supper or fish ‘n’ chips, is a traditional British dish consisting of battered and fried fish accompanied by deep-fried chips.

Originating in England, this dish combines elements introduced by separate immigrant cultures and has become a symbol of British culinary culture, often regarded as Britain’s national dish.

Fish and chips gained popularity in the 19th century with the opening of the first fish and chip shops, and its consumption soared due to the rapid development of trawl fishing in the North Sea and the advent of railways connecting ports to major cities.

This allowed fresh fish to be rapidly transported to heavily populated areas. The dish is popular not only in the UK but also in other English-speaking and Commonwealth countries.

Traditionally, fish and chips were wrapped in newspaper, though more sanitary options have largely replaced this practice. Variations of the dish can include different types of fish, such as cod or haddock, and the addition of various condiments like tartar sauce or malt vinegar.



  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Pancakes, also known as hotcakes, griddle cakes, or flapjacks, are a type of flat, often thin, and round cake prepared from a starch-based batter that may contain eggs, milk, and butter. This flatbread is frequently topped with fruits like berries, bananas, and so on.

They are cooked on a hot surface such as a griddle or frying pan. In the United Kingdom, pancakes are often unleavened and resemble crêpes.

Famous variations include buttermilk pancakes, common in Scotland, Ireland, and the US, and buckwheat pancakes, which include blini and others.

Potato pancakes are another variation, recognized as the national dish in countries like Belarus, Ukraine, and Slovakia. Pancakes are enjoyed in various forms across Europe and beyond, including in Africa and Asia, with each region having its own unique take on the dish.

They are associated with Shrove Tuesday, known as “”Pancake Day,”” a celebration before the fasting period of Lent in Christian traditions.

Sweet Cake For Dessert


  • Traditional

Tiramisu, a traditional Italian dessert, is a rich treat combining bold flavors of cocoa and espresso with creamy mascarpone cheese and wine, layered with ladyfinger biscuits.

Originating from the Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions of Italy, tiramisu has become a staple of Italian cuisine. The name “tiramisu” translates to “pick me up” or “cheer me up,” reflecting the dessert’s uplifting effects.

Variations of tiramisu include using different types of alcohol or creating non-alcoholic versions. Popular across Europe and the world, tiramisu is often associated with celebrations and special occasions due to its luxurious ingredients and indulgent taste.

Spanish Rice


  • National
  • Traditional

Paella, originating from Valencia, Spain, is a renowned rice dish that symbolizes the essence of Spanish cuisine. This national dish, also called a paella, is traditionally cooked in a wide, shallow pan over an open fire.

The classic version, known as Paella Valenciana, includes round-grain rice, green beans, rabbit, chicken, and sometimes duck, cooked in olive oil and chicken broth, with saffron adding its characteristic yellow color.

There are numerous variations of paella, including Paella de Marisco (seafood paella) and Paella Mixta (mixed paella), which incorporate a mix of meat and seafood. Paella’s popularity extends beyond Spain, enjoying international acclaim and adaptation.



  • National
  • Traditional

Goulash is a hearty soup or stew of meat and vegetables, seasoned with paprika and other spices, originating from Hungary where it is considered a national dish and a symbol of the country.

The dish dates back to the 9th century, initially prepared by Hungarian shepherds. Goulash has various famous variations across Central Europe, including the thicker stew versions like pörkölt and the creamy paprikás.

It is popular not only in Hungary but also throughout Central and Eastern Europe, and has even inspired dishes beyond Europe, such as the American goulash.

Goulash is traditionally made with beef, but can also be prepared with pork, veal, or lamb, and is often served with small egg noodles known as csipetke.

Quiche Lorraine


  • Traditional

Quiche is a savory French tart with a pastry crust filled with a custard of eggs and cream, often including cheese, meat, seafood, or vegetables. Quiche Lorraine, famous for its bacon lardons, is the most famous variant.

Dating possibly back to the 13th century, quiche has gained popularity across Europe and globally, with variations catering to local flavors. It is a versatile dish served hot, warm, or cold, fitting for various occasions from casual brunches to formal meals.

Greek Beef And Eggplant Lasagna


  • National
  • Traditional

Moussaka is a traditional dish that has its roots in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans, particularly popular in Greece.

Moussaka features layers of eggplant or potatoes, minced meat (often lamb), and is famously topped with a creamy béchamel sauce before being baked. Moussaka has various regional variations, including a vegan version for Orthodox fast days and adaptations using other vegetables like zucchini or mushrooms.

It enjoys popularity not only in Greece but also in other countries across the Balkans, the Middle East, and beyond, adapting to local tastes and ingredients. Moussaka is often associated with family gatherings and festive occasions.

Cheese Fondue


  • National
  • Traditional

Fondue is a Swiss dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot, known as a caquelon, over a portable stove. It is enjoyed by dipping bread and sometimes vegetables into the cheese using long-stemmed forks.

Originating in Switzerland, fondue was promoted as a national dish in the 1930s to increase cheese consumption. The dish has since become a symbol of Swiss unity and is popular in various countries, especially in Europe and North America.

Fondue has expanded beyond cheese to include chocolate fondue, where pieces of fruit or pastry are dipped into melted chocolate, and fondue bourguignonne, where pieces of meat are cooked in hot oil or broth.

Schnitzel Breaded Cutlet

Wiener Schnitzel

  • National

Wiener Schnitzel, sometimes spelled Wienerschnitzel, is a national Austrian dish consisting of a thin, breaded, pan-fried veal cutlet.

Variations of Wiener Schnitzel include using pork instead of veal to make it more affordable, known as Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein or Schnitzel Wiener Art when made in the style of Wiener Schnitzel but with different meats.

The dish is traditionally served with a side of potato salad, cucumber salad, or parsley potatoes, and garnished with a slice of lemon and parsley.

This dish is a celebrated part of Viennese cuisine and has gained popularity across Europe and beyond, particularly in countries like Germany and Italy, as well as in other continents such as North America.

Currywurst German


  • Fusion
  • National
  • Street Food

Currywurst is a fast food dish of German origin, considered a street food staple within the country. It consists of steamed, then fried pork sausage, cut into slices and seasoned with curry ketchup, a sauce made from ketchup or tomato paste mixed with curry powder and other spices.

Variations include different types of sausage, such as beef for halal versions, and additions like paprika or chopped onions. The dish’s popularity has led to the consumption of approximately 800 million currywurst per year in Germany, with Berlin alone accounting for 70 million.

Currywurst has cultural significance, celebrated in songs, literature, and even a dedicated museum in Berlin, although it closed in 2018. It remains a symbol of German fast food culture, enjoyed by people of all ages across the country and beyond.

Meat And Vegetable Sandwich


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Gyros, sometimes known as gyro, is a traditional Greek dish consisting of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie. In Greece, it is traditionally made with pork, though chicken, beef, or lamb may be used in other countries.

This dish is usually served wrapped or stuffed in pita bread with ingredients such as tomato, onion, fried potatoes, and tzatziki sauce.

Gyros is celebrated for its rich flavors and is a popular fast food not only in Greece but also in many parts of the world, including the United States, where it gained popularity in cities like Chicago and New York City in the 1970s.

This dish shares similarities with other global dishes such as the Arab shawarma and the Turkish doner kebab, highlighting its influence across various cuisines.

Sauerbraten German


  • National
  • Traditional

Sauerbraten is a traditional German roast, considered a national dish of Germany, known for its heavy marination in a mixture of wine or vinegar, water, herbs, spices, and seasonings.

This dish is popular across Germany and in German-speaking regions, with variations found in regions such as Rhineland, Franconia, and Swabia. The meat used for Sauerbraten can vary, including beef (the most common), venison, lamb, mutton, pork, and even horse.

The marination process, which can last from three to ten days, tenderizes the meat and imparts a distinctive flavor. Sauerbraten is traditionally served with hearty accompaniments like potato dumplings (Kartoffelklöße), red cabbage, or Spätzle.



  • Traditional

Ratatouille is a traditional French vegetable stew that originates from Nice. Ratatouille is a celebrated dish in Provence and the Mediterranean coast.

A versatile dish, it can serve as either a main course or a side, featuring a variety of vegetables including eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, onions, and garlic, all stewed in olive oil.

Ratatouille is popular not only in France but has gained international recognition for its healthy ingredients and flavorful taste. It’s often associated with the summer and harvest season when the vegetables used in the dish are at their peak freshness.

Coq Au Vin

Coq au Vin

  • Traditional

Coq au Vin, or “rooster with wine,” is a classic French dish where chicken is braised with wine, lardons, mushrooms, and sometimes garlic. It traditionally uses red Burgundy wine, but regional variations like coq au vin jaune, coq au riesling, and coq au Champagne exist.

Though first documented in the early 20th century, the dish, believed to have roots in ancient Gaul, likely existed as a rustic meal long before.

It became popular in the U.S. through Julia Child, becoming one of her signature dishes. Coq au Vin is celebrated worldwide, adapting to local tastes and wine varieties.

Beef Bourguignon

Beef Bourguignon

  • Traditional

Beef bourguignon, also known as beef burgundy or bœuf à la Bourguignonne, is a traditional French stew made with beef braised in red wine, typically from Burgundy, and beef stock. It is flavored with carrots, onions, garlic, and garnished with pearl onions, mushrooms, and lardons.

This dish, originating from the Burgundy region of France, has become a standard of French cuisine, particularly in Parisian bistros. Despite its Burgundian roots, Beef Bourguignon is celebrated worldwide as a classic example of French culinary art.

Boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, or pasta often accompany it. The dish’s rich, savory flavors have led it to be considered one of the most delicious beef dishes, a sentiment echoed by the authors of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.”

Pot Au Feu


  • National
  • Traditional

Pot-au-Feu, translating to “pot on the fire,” is a traditional French stew known for its slow-cooked blend of meat and vegetables, typically including beef, carrots, celery, leeks, onions, and turnips.

This dish is a quintessential example of French family cuisine, representing a meal in itself and celebrated across all social classes in France. Traditionally, Pot-au-Feu is enjoyed in two courses: the broth is served first, followed by the meat and vegetables.

It has numerous regional variations and can include different types of meat such as pork, ham, chicken, and sausage. The dish is not only a staple of French cuisine but has also inspired similar dishes in other cultures, such as the Vietnamese pho.

Grilled Pork Skewers


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Souvlaki, known in some regions as kalamaki, is a Greek fast food that consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer. It is traditionally made with pork in Greece and Cyprus, but variations include chicken, beef, and lamb.

Souvlaki is a significant part of Greek cuisine and can be served wrapped in a pita with garnishes and sauces or on a plate with side dishes. The dish’s origins trace back to ancient Greece, indicating a long history of cooking meat on skewers.

Since the 1960s, Souvlaki has enjoyed widespread popularity in Greece, taking various forms across the country. In Athens, the term “kalamaki” refers to the skewered meat itself, while “souvlaki” can denote the dish served in a pita.



  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Pierogi, also known as perogies in some regions, are filled dumplings of Central and Eastern European origin. This traditional food is made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet filling and cooking them in boiling water.

Pierogi are a versatile dish that can be served as an appetizer, main course, or dessert, depending on the filling, which may include potato, cheese, sauerkraut, ground meat, mushrooms, or fruits.

Pierogi are often served with toppings like sour cream or fried onions. With historical roots tracing back to the introduction of dumplings in Europe from Asia, and it has evolved into various regional specialties, including bryndzové pirohy and pierogi ruskie.

They are popular in countries such as Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia, and have been embraced by communities in North America.

Irish Stew

Irish Stew

  • National
  • Traditional

Irish stew is a traditional dish native to Ireland, known for its hearty and comforting qualities. It is primarily made from lamb or mutton, potatoes, onions, and parsley, with carrots sometimes included in the mix.

As a national dish of Ireland, Irish Stew is celebrated for its simplicity and embodiment of Irish cuisine’s essence. Variations of the dish may include different types of meat, such as beef, but the classic version remains the most revered.

Irish stew is popular not only in Ireland but has also found a place in the hearts of people across the United Kingdom and among the Irish diaspora worldwide.

While not specifically associated with any festivals, it is a staple during the colder months and is often enjoyed on St. Patrick’s Day as part of the celebration.

Roast Beef

Roast Beef

  • Traditional

Roast Beef is a traditional British dish that consists of beef which is roasted in an oven. Known for its simplicity and rich flavor, it is often served as the main course of a meal, particularly on Sundays in the UK, making it a centerpiece of the traditional Sunday roast.

Accompaniments may include roasted potatoes, vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, and gravy made from the meat juices. Roast beef is celebrated for its variations, such as the rib roast or sirloin, which differ in cooking methods and cuts of meat.

While it is a quintessential British dish, its popularity extends to other European countries and beyond, often associated with festive occasions and family gatherings.

Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire Pudding

  • Traditional

Yorkshire Pudding is a traditional British dish made from a simple batter of eggs, flour, and milk or water, which is then baked in the oven. It is a versatile food that can be served in numerous ways, often accompanying meat and gravy as part of the traditional Sunday roast.

Originating from northern England, specifically Yorkshire, the dish was designed to make use of the fat that dripped from roasting meat. Yorkshire Pudding is known for its light, airy texture and is similar to Dutch baby pancakes and American popovers.

It has become a symbol of British cuisine and is celebrated in both the UK and the US with National Yorkshire Pudding Day. Variations of the dish include the addition of sausages to create “toad in the hole.”

English Breakfast

Full Breakfast

  • Traditional

Full breakfast is a substantial meal from Great Britain and Ireland, featuring bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding, baked beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, toast, and fried bread, with coffee or tea.

It includes variations like hash browns and has regional versions: full English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Ulster fry. Originating from simpler meals, it expanded during the Victorian era and is now offered as an all-day option in many eateries.

It is a staple of British and Irish cuisine, enjoyed in Commonwealth nations and recognized internationally alongside dishes like fish and chips and Sunday roast.



  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Waffles are a dish made from leavened batter or dough, cooked between two plates that imprint a distinctive size, shape, and pattern.

Originating from Belgium and France, waffles are considered a traditional food in Western Europe, particularly famous in Belgium, which boasts over a dozen regional varieties such as the Liège waffle, Brussels waffle, Flemish waffle, Bergische waffle, and Stroopwafel.

Waffles enjoy popularity not just in Europe but around the world, with each region having its own preferred toppings and ways of serving, ranging from sweet to savory. Common toppings for waffles include berries, sliced bananas, or apple compote.

They are often associated with breakfast but can be enjoyed at any time of the day and are sometimes linked with celebrations and festivals, especially in countries where they are a part of traditional cuisine.



  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Poffertjes, also known as “brothers,” are a traditional Dutch treat made from a batter that includes yeast and buckwheat flour. These small, fluffy pancakes are typically served warm or hot with powdered sugar and butter, and sometimes with syrup or advocaat.

They are prepared fresh for customers and sold in portions, often enjoyed with a variety of sweet garnishes such as syrup, whipped cream, or strawberries for added flavor.

Poffertjes have also found their way into Indonesian cuisine due to historical ties as a former Dutch colony and are a common sight at German Christmas markets.

Portuguese Egg Tarts

Pastel de Nata

  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Pastel de Nata, also known as Pastel de Belém, is a traditional Portuguese egg custard tart pastry. The tart is known for its creamy custard center and flaky pastry crust, often dusted with cinnamon.

This dessert is considered a national dish of Portugal. It has gained popularity worldwide, especially in Western Europe, Asia, and former Portuguese colonies like Brazil, Mozambique, Macau, Goa, and East Timor.

The pastry is particularly popular in regions with Portuguese influence, including Indonesia’s Kampung Tugu, Jakarta. It has been recognized as one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders of Gastronomy.

Originating from the Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon before the 18th century, Pastel de Nata was created by Catholic monks. The recipe was later sold to a sugar refinery, which opened the Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém in 1837, where the original recipe is still used today.

Tarte Tatin

Tarte Tatin

  • Traditional

Tarte Tatin is a traditional French dessert, originating from the Centre-Val de Loire region. It is an upside-down tart made primarily with caramelized apples, though variations with other fruits or vegetables exist.

The Tatin sisters accidentally created the dish in the 1880s, and it has since become a beloved recipe in France and beyond, with variations including pear, banana, and even tomato Tarte Tatin.

It is popular in many countries, particularly in Europe, and is often associated with French cuisine and pastry.

Khachapuri Ajarian Cheese


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Khachapuri is a traditional Georgian dish, recognized as the national food of Georgia. It consists of bread filled with a delicious blend of cheese, eggs, and other ingredients, served hot to preserve its unique taste.

Khachapuri is enjoyed in various shapes and forms, with some of the famous variations including Adjarian khachapuri, which is boat-shaped and topped with a raw egg and butter, and Imeretian khachapuri, which is circular and filled with cheese.

This dish is not only a staple in Georgian cuisine but also popular in post-Soviet states, Armenia, and increasingly in places like Israel and the United States. It is associated with National Khachapuri Day on February 27th, celebrating this iconic Georgian pastry.



  • National
  • Traditional

Borscht is a traditional Ukrainian soup known for its characteristic deep red color, primarily due to its beetroot content.

Borscht is made from a combination of meat or bone stock, sautéed vegetables, and beet sour (fermented beet juice) or beetroots. The soup can be served hot or cold and is often garnished with sour cream, dill, or hard-boiled eggs.

While the most recognized version of borscht includes beetroot, there are numerous variations without it, such as green borscht made from sorrel, or white borscht based on rye.

It’s a symbol of Ukrainian cuisine but is also popular in Russian, Polish, and Jewish culinary traditions, among others.



  • National
  • Traditional

Pelmeni are traditional Russian dumplings that consist of a thin, unleavened dough filled with minced meat, which can include pork, lamb, beef, or fish.

The dough is typically made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, while the filling is seasoned with spices such as black pepper and onions, adding depth to the flavor..

Pelmeni can be served with a variety of toppings, including sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar, or mustard. This dish is versatile and can be boiled, fried, or served in broth, making it a hearty meal for any occasion.

Pelmeni are related to other types of dumplings found across the world, such as varenyky in Ukraine and pierogi in Poland, but are distinguished by their specific preparation methods and traditional fillings.

They are particularly popular in Siberia, where they are often frozen outdoors in winter and used as preserved food, providing a vital source of nourishment in the harsh climate.

Shopska Salad

Shopska Salad

  • National
  • Traditional

Shopska Salad is a traditional Bulgarian dish, celebrated as the national salad of Bulgaria. It is a cold salad made primarily from diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and peppers, generously topped with sirene cheese, a type of brine cheese.

The salad is dressed lightly with sunflower or olive oil and sometimes vinegar, enhancing its refreshing taste. The white cheese, green cucumbers, and red tomatoes represent the colors of the Bulgarian flag

It is popular across Southeastern Europe and is commonly served as an appetizer, often accompanied by rakia, a fruit brandy.

Haggis Vegetables


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Haggis is a savory pudding and the national dish of Scotland, traditionally associated with Scottish cuisine. It consists of sheep’s pluck (heart, liver, and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock.

Traditionally, it is encased in the animal’s stomach, but now it is often found in an artificial casing. While variations exist, the traditional haggis served with “neeps and tatties” (turnips and potatoes) and a dram of Scotch whisky remains iconic.

Haggis is popular in Scotland and recognized globally, often associated with Scottish identity and celebrations.


Cabbage Rolls

  • Traditional

Cabbage rolls, also known as sarma or golubtsy depending on the region, are a traditional dish found in the cuisines of Central, Northern, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe, as well as Western Asia and parts of North Africa.

This dish features cooked cabbage leaves wrapped around various fillings, such as beef, lamb, pork, rice, and vegetables. Cabbage rolls are typically baked, simmered, or steamed and often served with a sauce, which varies by cuisine.

For example, in Sweden and Finland, they are served with lingonberry jam, while in Central and Eastern Europe, tomato-based sauces and sour cream are common.

The dish is popular in countries like Romania, where it is considered a national dish known as sarmale, especially served during Christmas and New Year’s Eve, as well as at weddings and other celebrations.

Variations of cabbage rolls are also enjoyed in Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, and among other countries, showcasing the dish’s wide appeal and adaptability to different regional tastes and ingredients.

Cooked Snails


  • Exotic
  • Traditional

Escargots, also known as edible snails, are a traditional dish in various European cuisines, particularly French.

This delicacy is often served as an appetizer and is considered a hallmark of French cuisine, though its consumption dates back to ancient times across the Mediterranean, Africa, and parts of Asia.

Escargots are prepared by purging and then cooking the snails, usually with garlic butter, herbs, and wine. The dish is popular in countries like France, Spain, and Italy, where snail farming or heliciculture is a significant industry.

They are especially enjoyed during specific festivals and celebrations, such as the Feast of St. John in some cultures, symbolizing a connection to historical culinary practices.

Pasta With Fillings


  • Traditional

Ravioli is a type of stuffed pasta that consists of filling encased in thin pasta dough, traditionally served in broth or with a sauce. This dish, with origins in central and northern Italy, has become emblematic of Italian cuisine.

Ravioli fillings vary by region, including cheese, meats, and vegetables, making the dish incredibly versatile.

It’s enjoyed across Europe and beyond, with variations like toasted ravioli from St. Louis, Missouri, and similar dishes in other cultures such as Turkish Mantı and Chinese jiaozi.

Fille Your Stomach With Rice Balls


  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Arancini, also called arancine, are traditional Sicilian deep-fried rice balls, often filled with ragù, mozzarella or caciocavallo cheese, and peas. Variants include fillings like ham, béchamel, mushrooms, pistachios, or aubergine.

Originating in 10th century Sicily during Arab rule, “arancini” translates to “little oranges,” reflecting their appearance.

They’re especially popular during the feast of Santa Lucia on December 13th in cities like Palermo, Siracusa, and Trapani, marking a historical event in 1646 when a grain shipment ended a famine.

A staple of Sicilian cuisine, arancini have gained international popularity, with notable types including arancini al ragù, arancini al burro (with béchamel), arancini ai funghi (with mushrooms), and arancini al pistacchio (with pistachios).



  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Bratwurst is a type of German sausage traditionally made from pork, although beef or veal can also be used. This national dish has a rich history dating back to at least the 14th century, with its origins in the Franconian city of Nuremberg, renowned for its grilling sausages.

Bratwurst varies significantly by region, with over 40 different varieties in Germany alone, including the Franconian Bratwurst, known for its marjoram seasoning and juiciness, and the Nürnberger Bratwurst, famous for its small size and protected geographical status.

Popular across German-speaking countries and at football games, it’s often enjoyed as a fast food item, served with mustard and bread. The Thüringer Rostbratwurst, another notable variation, is known for its spiciness and is traditionally grilled.

Brezeln German


  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Pretzel, or Brezel in German, is a baked pastry that’s recognized for its unique knot shape. Originating from Europe, this traditional food has Christian roots and is believed to have been created by monks.

Pretzels can be either soft or hard and are commonly topped with salt, though other variations include sweet glazings and seeds. The pretzel has a significant cultural and religious history, often associated with Lent and Easter traditions.

It’s popular in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Alsace in France. Pretzels come in many local varieties, such as the Butterbrezel.

They are part of various traditions, including being given for good luck on New Year’s Day or as part of Palm Sunday celebrations in Catholic regions.

Swedish Meatballs


  • Traditional

Köttbullar, or Swedish meatballs, are a key part of Sweden’s national cuisine, made from a mix of ground beef and pork, breadcrumbs, onions, eggs, milk, seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes allspice or nutmeg.

Fried in butter, they’re served with gravy, boiled potatoes, lingonberry jam, and occasionally pickled cucumber. A staple in Swedish homes and restaurants globally, their variations depend on regional or personal tastes.

Gaining worldwide recognition, partly through IKEA’s cafeterias, they are a festive favorite in Sweden, especially at Christmas on the julbord, the traditional holiday buffet.



  • Traditional

Smørrebrød, also known as smørbrød or smörgås in Norwegian and Swedish respectively, is a traditional open-faced sandwich originating from Denmark but also popular in Norway and Sweden.

This dish is a staple of Scandinavian cuisine and is made with a piece of buttered rye bread, known as rugbrød, which is a dense, dark brown bread. The bread is topped with various ingredients such as cold cuts, pieces of meat or fish, cheese, spreads, and garnishes.

Traditional toppings include pickled herring, cheese, cucumber, tomato, boiled eggs, pork liver paste, and smoked fish like salmon, among others. It is often garnished with mayonnaise-based sauces like remoulade or other thick sauces.

The dish changes with the seasons, and certain toppings are associated with specific festivals or celebrations, such as Easter or Christmas lunches in Denmark.

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff

  • National
  • Traditional

Beef stroganoff, also known as beef stroganov, is a traditional Russian dish consisting of sautéed pieces of beef served in a sauce with mustard and smetana (sour cream).

Originating in mid-19th-century Russia, it has gained international popularity, leading to various adaptations from the original recipe. Common variations include chicken stroganoff, sausage stroganoff, mushroom stroganoff, and shrimp stroganoff.

The dish is named after the Stroganov family, a significant figure in Russian history. Beef Stroganoff is popular not only in Russia but also in countries across Europe, the United States, and even in Brazil, where variations with chicken or shrimp are common.

It is often served with rice or noodles and has become a comfort food in many cultures. In Sweden, a variant called korv Stroganoff uses local sausage, and in Finland, a version with diced pickles is common. The dish’s popularity extends to Japan, where it is typically served with rice.

Greek Bean Soup For Vegetarians


  • National
  • Traditional

Fasolada, also known as fasoulada or fasoulia, is a traditional soup of Greek, Mediterranean, and Cypriot cuisine, often referred to as the national food of the Greeks.

This hearty dish is made from dry white beans, olive oil, and a variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots, onion, parsley, celery, and sometimes meat like bastırma.

Variations of this dish can be found in other cultures under different names, such as the Italian fagiolata and the Portuguese feijoada, highlighting its widespread appeal across the Mediterranean and beyond.

Fasolada is particularly popular in Greece and Cyprus, where it is a staple of home cooking and is often consumed during the colder months for its warming and nourishing qualities.

Traditional Rice Comes From Lombardy


  • Traditional

Risotto is a traditional Italian dish known for its creamy consistency, achieved by cooking high-starch rice with broth.

Originating from the Lombardy region, it’s a staple of Italian cuisine, often served as a primo (first course) but can also accompany dishes like ossobuco alla milanese as a main course.

The dish uses Arborio, Carnaroli, or Vialone Nano rice varieties, among others, which are key to its unique texture. Risotto is popular across Italy and has gained international fame, with variations such as Risotto alla Milanese, featuring saffron, and seafood risotto.



  • Traditional

Strudel is a traditional pastry of Austrian origin that has become popular across Central Europe and beyond. This layered pastry is known for its sweet fillings, such as apple, cherry, and cheese, but savory versions with spinach, cabbage, or meat are also common.

Strudel is considered a traditional food in Austria and parts of Germany, and it is recognized as a traditional agri-food product in South Tyrol, Italy.

Famous variations include the apple strudel and the cheese strudel (Topfenstrudel), among others. It is popular in countries that were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, including Italy, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and has also found a place in Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine.

Strudel is sometimes associated with certain Jewish festivals, such as Simchat Torah and Purim, where it is enjoyed in celebration.

Bangers Mash

Bangers and Mash

  • Traditional

Bangers and Mash, also known as sausages and mash, is a traditional British dish that consists of sausages served with mashed potatoes, often accompanied by onion gravy, fried onions, or peas.

This dish is a staple of British pub grub, known for its simplicity and comfort food status. It is made with various types of sausages, including pork, lamb, beef, or vegetarian alternatives.

Bangers and Mash is particularly popular in the United Kingdom and has been named Britain’s most popular comfort food in surveys.

The term “bangers” for sausages dates back to at least World War I, referring to the sausages’ tendency to burst when cooked with high water content. This dish embodies the essence of British cuisine and is enjoyed in homes and pubs across the country.

Cevapi Bosnian Griled Sausage


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Ćevapi, also known as ćevapčići in its diminutive form, is a grilled dish of minced meat, considered a national dish of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Ćevapi is traditionally served in groups of five to ten pieces with flatbread (lepinja or somun), often accompanied by chopped onions, sour cream, or ajvar.

The dish has various regional variations, including Bosnian ćevapi, made from two types of minced beef, and Serbian ćevapčići, which may include beef, lamb, or pork.

This dish is a beloved part of the cuisine in the Balkans, with notable popularity in countries such as Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Slovenia.

Hunter’s Stew


  • National
  • Traditional

Bigos, often referred to as hunter’s stew, is a traditional dish of Polish cuisine, also popular in other parts of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

This hearty stew is made from a mix of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage combined with various cuts of meat and sausages, often flavored with wine and a rich assortment of spices.

Bigos is a national dish that embodies the concept of using what’s available, leading to countless variations across regions, such as the addition of tomato paste in Greater Poland’s version or the use of red cabbage in Kuyavian bigos.

It’s a dish that’s particularly enjoyed during major Catholic holidays like Christmas and Easter, where its ability to be made in large quantities and improved with reheating makes it ideal for festive celebrations.

Cordon Bleu Pork

Cordon Bleu

  • Traditional

Cordon bleu is a Swiss dish that consists of meat wrapped around cheese, then breaded and pan-fried or deep-fried. Traditionally made with veal or chicken breast, the meat encases a slice of ham and cheese, offering a delicious blend of flavors and textures.

This dish, whose name translates to “blue ribbon” in French, symbolizes culinary excellence and has various adaptations, including pork and ham versions.

Cordon Bleu has gained international fame, with variations enjoyed in many European countries and beyond, adapting to local tastes and available ingredients.

English Trifle


  • Traditional

Trifle is an English layered dessert consisting of sponge fingers or sponge cake soaked in sherry or another fortified wine, layered with fruit, custard, and whipped cream.

This dessert is highly adaptable, with variations including chocolate, coffee, or vanilla, and sometimes the fruit and sponge layers are set in fruit-flavored jelly.

Trifle’s evolution can be traced back to the 16th century, initially resembling a fruit fool, and has since become a recognizably modern dessert by the 18th century, particularly with the inclusion of gelatin jelly.

The dish is celebrated for its versatility and has been a staple in English cuisine for centuries, often appearing in cookbooks and culinary traditions.

Trifle also gained popularity in various forms across the world, adapting to local tastes and ingredients. It has been part of significant celebrations, such as the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Potato Pancakes


  • National
  • Street Food
  • Traditional

Rösti is a Swiss dish primarily made from potatoes, sautéed or shallow-fried in a pan. Originally a breakfast dish for farmers in the canton of Bern, it has become a national dish enjoyed all over Switzerland and internationally.

Rösti is traditionally served as a side dish rather than a main meal, often accompanying dishes like spinach and fried eggs or Fleischkäse.

The basic version consists of coarsely grated potato, but variations may include bacon, onion, cheese, apple, or fresh herbs, reflecting regional preferences.

Rösti is emblematic of Swiss-German culture, contrasting with the Latin culture of French-speaking Switzerland. The term “Röstigraben” (rösti ditch) humorously denotes the cultural divide between the German and French-speaking parts of the country.

List of European Dishes by Country

1 – 20 of 53 results
  • Venetian Food Dishes

    13 Classic Venetian Dishes and Foods

  • Northern Irish Food Dishes

    13 Traditional Northern Irish Dishes and Foods

  • Luxembourg Food Dishes

    15 Most Famous Luxembourg Dishes and Foods

  • Basque Food Dishes

    16 Best Basque Dishes and Foods

  • Danish Food Dishes

    16 Best Danish Food Dishes to Try

  • Bosnian Food Dishes

    17 Common Bosnian Foods and Dishes

  • Lithuanian Food Dishes

    18 Famous Lithuanian Dishes From Traditional Foods

  • Neapolitan Food Dishes

    18 Must-Try Neapolitan Dishes and Traditional Foods

  • Galician Food Dishes

    18 Typical Galician Dishes and Foods

  • Estonian Food Dishes

    19 Best Estonian Dishes and Foods

  • Finnish Food Dishes

    19 Common Finnish Dishes from Traditional Foods

  • Belarusian Food Dishes

    19 Popular Belarusian Dishes and Foods

  • Welsh Food Dishes

    19 Top Dishes and Foods of Wales

  • Moldovan Food Dishes

    20 Famous Moldovan Dishes and Traditional Foods

  • Slovenian Food Dishes

    20 Outstanding Slovenian Dishes and Popular Foods

  • Romanian Food Dishes

    20 Traditional Romanian Dishes and Foods

  • Georgian Food Dishes

    22 Renowned Georgian Food Dishes

  • Latvian Food Dishes

    22 Traditional Latvian Dishes/Foods

  • Icelandic Food Dishes

    23 Best Icelandic Dishes and Traditional Foods

  • Dutch Food Dishes

    23 Common Dutch Dishes and Foods

1 – 20 of 53 results

What Are the Characteristics of European Dishes by Region?

Here’s a summary of the characteristics of European dishes by region.

  • The cuisine of Northern Europe often includes hearty dishes, with a focus on dairy products, meats (especially pork and seafood), and root vegetables.
  • Dishes are frequently accompanied by bread and use herbs for flavoring.
  • The Balkans’ cuisine in South Eastern Europe is a melting pot of influences, combining elements from European, Western Asian, and Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Diverse, strong, and spicy foods, with the common use of pickled vegetables, peppers, and feta cheese, characterize this cuisine.
  • Dishes often include stuffed vegetables and make use of thick creams and egg-and-lemon sauces.
  • Influences from Mediterranean culinary creations dominate Southern European cuisine.
  • A strong emphasis on olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and a variety of herbs.
  • Eastern European cuisine features a lot of meat dishes, soups, and stews, with a significant use of dairy products, especially in the form of sour cream.
  • Grains like buckwheat, barley, and rye are common, as are fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickles.
  • This region includes a wide range of cuisines, from the meat and potato-based dishes of Germany to the sophisticated sauces and pastries of French cuisine.
  • The use of dairy, especially cheese and butter, is prevalent, and there’s a strong culture of baking, including bread, pastries, and cakes.
  • Central European cuisine, including countries like Austria, Hungary, and Poland, is known for its hearty meat dishes, use of spices, and a variety of dumplings and noodles.
  • Desserts are also a significant part of the cuisine, with a wide array of cakes, pastries, and sweet treats.

The characteristics of European dishes by region reflect a diverse culinary landscape, where each area’s unique climate, culture, and history contribute to distinct flavors and traditions that continue to evolve over time.

How Does European Cuisine Evolve Over Time?

European cuisine’s evolution is marked by distinct phases, influenced by social structures, global explorations, and cultural exchanges:

Next, why don’t you find out which countries boast the best food across the continent.

Which European Countries Have The Best Food?

Below are the 6 most famous countries in Europe known for their food:

  • Italy: Famous for its pasta, pizza, and gelato, Italian cuisine emphasizes fresh ingredients and simplicity, creating dishes that are beloved worldwide.
  • France: Known for its sophisticated and elegant dishes, French cuisine includes classics like coq au vin, bouillabaisse, and an array of pastries and cheeses.
  • Spain: Spanish cuisine offers a variety of flavors, from the seafood-rich dishes of the coastal regions to the hearty and rustic meals of the interior. Tapas, paella, and churros are just a few examples of Spanish culinary delights.
  • Greece: Greek cuisine is characterized by its use of fresh vegetables, olive oil, grains, fish, and meats, including lamb. Dishes like moussaka, souvlaki, and Greek salad showcase the country’s flavors.
  • Germany: Known for its hearty and robust dishes, German cuisine includes favorites like sausages (wursts), schnitzels, and pretzels, accompanied by a strong beer culture.
  • Portugal: Portugal’s culinary heritage is influenced by its maritime history and the mingling of cultures. Lisbon is famous for its Bacalhau dishes and the iconic Pastel de Nata. Porto offers the Francesinha sandwich and is renowned for its port wine.

Among these discussions, certain European countries consistently stand out for their culinary excellence

What Are the Best Food Cities in Europe?

Here are some European cities often lauded for their gastronomy:

  • Paris, France: Known as the culinary capital of the world, Paris offers an array of gourmet experiences, from classic French dishes in Michelin-starred restaurants to quaint bistros serving up soulful cooking.
  • Rome, Italy: The heart of Italian cuisine, Rome is famous for its traditional dishes like pasta carbonara and pizza, made with fresh, high-quality ingredients.
  • Barcelona, Spain: A city that blends traditional Catalan dishes with innovative gastronomy, Barcelona is known for its tapas, seafood, and vibrant food markets.
  • Lyon, France: Often referred to as France’s gastronomic capital, Lyon is celebrated for its bouchons—small, traditional restaurants serving local fare—and its role in the history of French cuisine.
  • Copenhagen, Denmark: The forefront of the New Nordic culinary movement, Copenhagen is home to world-renowned restaurants that focus on innovation, sustainability, and local ingredients.
  • Bologna, Italy: Dubbed “La Grassa” (The Fat One), Bologna is revered for its rich food heritage, including classics like tagliatelle al ragù and tortellini.
  • Vienna, Austria: Known for its coffee house culture and iconic dishes like Wiener Schnitzel and Sachertorte, Vienna offers a blend of imperial and rustic culinary traditions.
  • San Sebastián, Spain: This coastal city in the Basque Country is famed for its pintxos, high concentration of Michelin-starred restaurants, and its celebrated culinary school.
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands: While not traditionally known for its culinary scene, Amsterdam has emerged as a foodie destination with a focus on international cuisine, innovative concepts, and sustainable dining.
  • Brussels, Belgium: Brussels is known for its chocolates, waffles, and beer, but the city’s culinary scene also includes fine dining and a variety of international cuisines, reflecting its role as the capital of the European Union.

Europe boasts a diverse array of food cities, each offering a unique culinary experience that seamlessly blends traditional flavors with innovative dining. Street food is one of the most attractive features of these cities.

What Is Special About European Street Food?

European street food is diverse, reflecting the continent’s rich tapestry of cultures, culinary traditions, and historical influences. Here’s a summary of the characteristics and variety you can find across different countries:

  • Diverse Influences: European street food is influenced by local ingredients, historical trade routes, and the intermingling of cultures.
    For example, the Döner Kebab, popular in Germany, reflects Turkish immigrant influences, while in the UK, fish and chips have historical roots tied to the country’s maritime history.
  • Local Ingredients: Many European street foods utilize local, seasonal ingredients, showcasing regional produce, meats, and cheeses.
    For instance, the Italian Panini often features local cured meats and cheeses, while in Scandinavia, fish and seafood are common street food ingredients due to the region’s proximity to the sea.
  • Variety of Flavors: From the savory smoked meats of Central Europe to the sweet pastries of the Mediterranean, European street food offers a wide range of flavors.
    This includes savory items like the Spanish churros con chocolate, sweet treats like Belgian waffles, and hearty dishes like the Polish pierogi.
  • Cultural Significance: Many street foods have cultural or historical significance, often tied to festivals, holidays, or local traditions. For instance, the consumption of Fish and Chips in the UK spikes on Fridays due to historical religious practices.
  • Innovation and Fusion: European street food is also characterized by innovation and fusion, with many vendors and chefs experimenting with traditional recipes to create new, exciting dishes.
    This includes modern takes on classics, such as gourmet variations of the British pie and mash or fusion dishes that blend different culinary traditions.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: Street food in Europe is appreciated for its accessibility and convenience, offering quick, affordable meal options for locals and tourists alike, from food trucks in city centers to market stalls and street festivals.
  • Regional Specialties: Many European countries and cities are known for specific street foods that reflect local tastes and culinary traditions.
    For example, crepes in France, wurst in Germany, and gelato in Italy are iconic street foods that visitors seek out for an authentic taste of the region.

European street food stands out for its rich history and variety, serving as a bridge to the continent’s most famous street food destinations.

Which European Countries Are Most Famous for Street Food?

The European countries most famous for their street food include:

  • Italy: Known for a variety of street foods such as lampredotto (a Florentine cow stomach sandwich), piadina (a flatbread similar to a veg tortilla wrap), panzerotti (a stuffed, deep-fried pastry), and the universally known pizza​​.
  • Malta: Famous for Hobz Biz Zejt, a simple yet delicious sandwich containing tomato paste, olive oil, olives, and tuna, representing a staple food developed during WWII due to food supply cuts​​.
  • France: Renowned for Crepes and Croissants, which are integral to French street food culture. Crepes are a versatile dish enjoyed at any time of the day, while croissants are a flaky, buttery pastry ideal for breakfast​​.
  • Monaco: Socca, a thin crepe made from chickpea flour, is a popular street food in Monaco, having originated from Genoa but gaining popularity in Southern France and Monaco​​.
  • Germany: Famous for currywurst, a dish consisting of steamed-then-fried sausage seasoned with curry sauce, often served with French fries, and is considered a must-try in Germany​​.
  • The Netherlands: Known for Stroopwafel, a sweet treat found at open-air markets throughout the country, showcasing the Dutch expertise in delicious, syrup-filled waffle cookies​​.
  • Portugal: Lisbon is emerging as a contender for the European capital of street food, with specialties like pastel de nata (custard tart) and various dishes featuring bacalhau (cod)​​.
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina: Sarajevo is celebrated for its diverse street food options, influenced by its Ottoman heritage, with dishes like böreks (filled puff pastries) and ćevapi (grilled meat with onions served in warm bread)​​.
  • Turkey: Istanbul offers a wide range of street food, from dolmas (stuffed grape leaves) and lahmacun (thin crispy pizza) to iconic snacks like simit (a sesame seed pretzel)​​.
  • Belgium: Brussels is famous for its French fries served with mayonnaise, as well as Belgian waffles, which are a staple street food item available with various toppings​​.
  • United Kingdom: The United Kingdom, particularly London, has seen a surge in street food popularity, with markets like Borough Market and Camden Market offering a wide range of international cuisines. Traditional British street foods include fish and chips, meat pies, and Scotch eggs.
  • Spain: Cities like Barcelona and Madrid have bustling street food scenes, where vendors sell everything from churros and patatas bravas to bocadillos and empanadas.

Countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece are renowned for their vibrant street food scenes, reflecting the cultural significance of food in European celebrations.

What Are the Roles of European Dishes for Special Occasions?

European dishes play significant roles in special occasions across the continent, reflecting the rich culinary traditions and cultural significance of food in celebrations. These roles can be categorized based on the type of occasion, as described below:

  • Festive Holidays: Traditional dishes like the British Christmas dinner with roast turkey, French Bûche de Noël for Christmas, or the Italian Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve.
  • Cultural Festivals: Events like Oktoberfest in Germany with its array of sausages and beer, or the Spanish La Tomatina, where food becomes part of the festivities.
  • Weddings: In many European cultures, specific dishes and wedding cakes have symbolic meanings, such as the Italian Confetti (sugared almonds), symbolizing the bittersweet nature of marriage.
  • Birthdays and Anniversaries: Special meals and cakes are central to celebrating personal milestones, with customs varying from country to country.
  • Spring and Harvest Festivals: Many European countries celebrate spring and harvest with special dishes that highlight seasonal ingredients, such as the Swedish Midsummer feast.
  • Winter Holidays: Dishes like the German Stollen or Dutch Oliebollen are essential in celebrating winter holidays and the New Year.
  • Easter: Foods like the Italian Colomba di Pasqua (Easter Dove Cake) or the Greek Tsoureki (Easter Bread) are central to Easter celebrations.
  • Lent and Other Religious Fasts: In many Christian countries, specific dishes are prepared to adhere to dietary restrictions while still marking the observance, such as meat-free meals on Fridays during Lent.
  • National Days: Many countries have traditional dishes associated with their national day celebrations, like France’s Bastille Day, where coq au vin or quiche might be featured.
  • Historical Anniversaries: Foods that are part of a country’s heritage are often prepared during historical commemorations.

Dinner Parties and Gatherings: European cuisines offer a variety of dishes suitable for hosting, from Spanish tapas to French hors d’oeuvres, reflecting the social aspect of food in bringing people together.

European dishes play a pivotal role in special occasions, highlighting the connection between traditional celebrations and the continent’s dining etiquette.

What Is European Dining Etiquette?

European dining etiquette varies by country but shares some common principles across the continent. Here’s a summary of key aspects to keep in mind:

  • Utensil Use: The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. The fork is used to spear food and bring it to the mouth, often with the tines facing down.
  • Continental Style: This method is sometimes referred to as the “continental” or “hidden handle” style because the utensil handles are concealed in the hand.
  • Utensil Placement: Specific rules dictate the placement of the fork and knife when not in use, signaling whether one is still eating or has finished.
  • Bread Serving: Bread is commonly served with meals and is placed directly on the tablecloth, not on a separate plate.
  • Tasting Etiquette: It’s considered improper to use fingers to taste food directly from a communal dish. Using a piece of bread to sample a sauce is acceptable.

European dining etiquette emphasizes a blend of tradition and formality, underscoring the contrast between traditional European dishes and their modern interpretations.

How Do Traditional European Dishes Compare to Modern Counterparts?

Traditional European dishes and their modern counterparts exhibit a fascinating evolution in culinary practices, reflecting changes in lifestyle, technology, and globalization. Below is an in-depth guide:

Traditional European Dishes

  • Ingredients: Heavily relied on local, seasonal ingredients like root vegetables, grains, and dairy.
  • Cooking Methods: Predominantly involved stewing, baking, and roasting, focusing on simplicity and heartiness.
  • Flavors: Tended to be more simplistic and hearty, with limited use of spices beyond salt.
  • Dietary Preferences: Largely meat-based with vegetables and grains as sides. Dairy products were staple.
  • Presentation: Functional and straightforward, focusing on sustenance.
  • Cultural Influences: Strongly rooted in local traditions and regional specialties.
  • Availability: Dependent on seasonal and local availability of ingredients.

Modern European Dishes

  • Ingredients: Incorporates a wide variety of global ingredients, including exotic spices and imported produce.
  • Cooking Methods: Utilizes advanced cooking techniques, blending traditional methods with modern culinary innovations.
  • Flavors: More complex and diverse, often incorporating bold and intricate flavor profiles from around the world.
  • Dietary Preferences: More inclusive of vegetarian, vegan, and other dietary preferences, reflecting contemporary dietary trends.
  • Presentation: Emphasizes aesthetics, with artistic presentation and attention to detail.
  • Cultural Influences: Highly influenced by global cuisines, fusion dishes, and international culinary trends.
  • Availability: Year-round availability of a wide range of ingredients due to modern transportation and preservation.

To move on, uncover the comparison between European and American dishes.

European Vs. Dishes of the Americas: What Are the Differences?

Here’s a summary for the key differences between dishes from Europe and the Americas:

European Dishes

  • Influences: Diverse traditions specific to each country within Europe.
  • Dining Experience: Emphasis on leisurely meals and the experience of eating.
  • Portion Sizes: Generally smaller compared to American standards.
  • Culinary Approach: Emphasis on local ingredients, traditional recipes, and regional specialties.
  • Meal Structure: Longer, more leisurely meals with multiple courses.
  • Cultural Emphasis: Reflects Europe’s rich history and cultural diversity.

American Dishes

  • Influences: Melting pot of global influences, including indigenous, European, Latin American, Asian, and African.
  • Dining Experience: Strong fast food culture with a focus on convenience and speed.
  • Portion Sizes: Larger portion sizes.
  • Culinary Approach: Eclectic mix of influences, innovation, and fusion cuisine.
  • Meal Structure: Faster, more casual meals, often with a single course.
  • Cultural Emphasis: Reflects America’s history of immigration and cultural fusion.

This table highlights the broad contrasts between European dishes and delicacies from the Americas, from their cultural influences to dining practices and culinary approaches.

Right below is a quick comparison between European and Asian fare.

In What Ways Do European And Asian Dishes Differ?

Below is a concise comparison to illustrate the differences between European and Asian dishes:

European Dishes

  • Staple Foods: Varied, including bread, pasta, meat, and dairy products.
  • Cooking Methods: Baking, grilling, roasting, stewing.
  • Flavor Profiles: Often milder, with a focus on herbs and olive oil.
  • Cultural Influences: Influenced by Mediterranean, Germanic, and Slavic traditions.
  • Regional Variations: Distinct regional cuisines such as Italian, French, Spanish, and Eastern European.
  • Common Ingredients: Olive oil, garlic, herbs, tomatoes, meats like beef and pork.
  • Dietary Preferences: Heavier use of dairy and meats.
  • Historical Influences: Roman Empire, trade routes within Europe, New World discoveries.
  • Modern Adaptations: Fusion cuisines, incorporation of New World ingredients like tomatoes and potatoes.

Asian Dishes

  • Staple Foods: Rice (especially sticky rice in Laos), noodles, seafood, tofu.
  • Cooking Methods: Stir-frying, steaming, deep-frying, fermenting.
  • Flavor Profiles: Bold and diverse, ranging from spicy and sour to sweet and savory.
  • Cultural Influences: Influenced by Indian, Chinese, and indigenous traditions.
  • Regional Variations: Regional variations like Sichuan, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian.
  • Common Ingredients: Soy sauce, rice, ginger, garlic, chili peppers, tropical fruits.
  • Dietary Preferences: More prevalent use of vegetables, tofu, and seafood.
  • Historical Influences: Silk Road, colonialism, trade with neighbors and Western countries.
  • Modern Adaptations: Fusion cuisines, adaptation to local tastes in diaspora communities.

European and Asian culinary creations differ significantly in their use of ingredients, cooking techniques, and flavor profiles, leading to a rich diversity of cuisines that are complemented by specific beverages in European traditions to enhance the dining experience.

Which Beverages Complement European Dishes?

Here are some general recommendations for pairing beverages with various European cuisines:

  • Red Wine: Complemented by robust flavors such as beef bourguignon, coq au vin, and lasagna. The tannins in red wine cut through the fat and protein, enhancing the richness of these dishes.
  • White Wine: Usually paired with lighter fare like seafood linguine, grilled fish, and chicken piccata. The acidity and crispness of white wine balance the delicacy of these dishes, highlighting their subtle flavors.
  • Beer: A versatile choice, often accompanying dishes such as fish and chips, sausages (like bratwurst or chorizo), and hearty stews. The carbonation and varying intensities from lagers to ales offer a refreshing contrast to both fried and spiced foods.
  • Sparkling Wine: Ideal with appetizers, such as oysters, canapés, and light salads. The effervescence of sparkling wines, like Champagne or Prosecco, adds a celebratory touch and cleanses the palate between bites.
  • Dessert Wines: Paired with sweet endings like tarte Tatin, panna cotta, or cheese boards. The sweetness and viscosity of dessert wines like Sauternes or Port harmonize with the richness of desserts and the complexity of cheeses.
  • Digestifs: Enjoyed after a meal to aid digestion, complementing a wide range of European cheeses, espresso, and dark chocolate desserts. Choices like cognac, grappa, and amaro offer a warm, soothing finish to a dining experience.

The key is to consider the primary flavors and cooking methods of the dish and choose wonderful European drinks that either complement or contrast those elements effectively.

That is a European adventure too good to miss, and I encourage you to embark on it! Do you have a favorite dish or recipe? Don’t hold back; add your comments below! If you find this article useful, share it and hit that like button.

Jamie Scott

Jamie Scott

Editor in Chief, Senior Content Writer


Home Cooking, Meal Planning, Recipe Development, Baking and Pastry, Food Editor, Cooking-video Maker, Western Food Evaluation Expert


Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts

  • Program: Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts
  • Focus: Gained foundational knowledge in French and European culinary techniques. Participated in workshops and hands-on training sessions under the guidance of seasoned chefs.

Local Community College, New York, NY

  • Program: Associate’s Degree in Nutrition
  • Focus: Acquired basic understanding of nutrition principles, dietary needs, and the importance of balanced diets in daily life.

Jamie Scott is a skilled culinary expert and content creator specializing in Western cuisine. With over 15 years in the culinary field and formal training from Le Cordon Bleu, Paris, Jamie deeply understands how to blend nutrition with delicious flavors. His passion for cooking matches his commitment to making healthy eating accessible and enjoyable.

On Fifteen.net, Jamie brings a fresh perspective to classic dishes and beverages, offering readers insightful recipes, cooking tips, and a fresh view on meal planning that emphasizes taste, health, and simplicity.

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